Cybereason is a next-gen endpoint security platform that offers a variety of security monitoring, NGAV, and managed detection services for organizations big and small. Originally founded by former cyber security experts in the Israel Defense Forces, Cybereason’s services are designed to deliver organizations complete security awareness. In addition, their platform offers advanced threat protection capabilities to thoroughly safeguard company networks and critical assets from digital attacks.
Suojausta päätelaitteille!
Cybereason tarjoaa yhtenäisen suojausmenetelmän, jonka avulla voidaan suojata koko verkon päätelaitteet niin kiinteät kuin liikkuvat.
Cybereason Blog
Cybereason blogista löytyy ajankohtaisia videoita, uutisia sekä webinaareja. Vieraile blogissa ja tutustu Cybereasoniin.
Read this infographic to better understand how Cybereason consolidates alerts, generates high-fidelity detections and implements the right amount of automation to make teams maximally effective.